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New Bidder for TicTok

New Bidder for TicTok

Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd had thrown in a last minute bid to acquire the platform called TicTok and make it a totally domestic. His entry has thrown the high-tech world into a panic, Questions started swirling.Tim Cook from Apple Inc. “Who is this Chainsaw guy?” Others like Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook/Meta stated, “I don’t find […]

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism for me!

Transhumanism is devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies. Such technologies, by merging with Artificial Intelligence sometimes call A.I., would increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans. That’s for me! With the average life span of a […]

Chainsaw Musk

Chainsaw Musk

Before the Tesla Electric Cars, before the space ships and colonizing Mars concepts, before Zip2, before (both household business names, right?) there was Chainsaw Musk. He’s the grand uncle of Elon. He created the first car that ran on something other than petroleum or steam. When he was in South Africa he discovered one […]