Chainsaw has a list and he’s not gonna bother to check it twice. Hell, he probably won’t look at it at all! Everyone gets the same thing. Unwrapped chocolate looking eggs. Check your fireplace, unless you have a prohibited home where you can not have a fireplace or a hibachi BBQ, because the Climate-estas say that […]
The Creepy Neighbor
It appears from this video that this low level chicken-impostor has been practicing how to count to three, just like a 4 year old. What’s creepy is he doesn’t stop. I have reached out to this oddball to get some type of response in order to help us better understand what it is that he […]
New from Ronco
Why be left out? Get your own “Chainsaw Chicken” mask. This mask can be use as it comes or you can custom trim it to your liking (Be Dazzeler Kit available for an additional price). Ronco is proud to be the only source for this popular fashion add-on for your wardrobe. With the special price […]
What are Beer Goggles?
After a long night at a popular local club where we had consumed a few too many ‘brew-skis’, I was frequently dancing with the girl above. Initially, I was not very interested in her. But, as the evening began to reach closing time, my views on her began to change. I started noticing her sweet delicate […]
Busted – Locked Up
A New Mexico individual pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct for having such loud sex that it shook the furniture in a neighbor’s home, and then threatened his neighbors for complaining about it. Rio Poco residents who shared a row house wall with Snook ‘Big Burrito’ Chicken, 25, had complained of sex noises, loud music and […]
Out of Fashion…
Mrs. Chainsaw Chicken admits that it may not be politically correct but she broke out her Yves Saint Laurent designed hooded cap made of Blackglama® natural black mink. This is her latest ‘Glamour Shots’ photo taken at the mall as a gift I give her yearly. It’s a wonder what they can do with some […]
Shark Week Begins
Shark Week is an annual, week-long TV programming block on the Discovery Channel. Shark Week originally premiered on July 17, 1988. Over time it grew in popularity and became a hit on the Discovery Channel. Since 2010, it has been the longest-running cable television programming event in history. The shows popularity has drastically risen when […]
Conjoined or Two Headed?
For the first 19 years of life, Cousin Chainsaw Chicken had a conjoined ‘brother’ named Chuck. Chuck’s life was a troubled one. Especially after school kids learned the infamous song where they sing derivations of your first name. ♫ Chuck – Chuck, bo buck, banana-fanna foe….♫ You get the rest. Chuck finally relented and opted […]
Hunting Hitler
An FBI cold case that has laid dormant for 70 years, leads a group of world-renown investigators on the ultimate manhunt to finally answer the question: Did Adolf Hitler survive World War II? He may be changing his looks as this FBI flier shows. Early in 2014, the FBI declassified hundreds of confidential documents showing […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Looking for a change in your Thanksgiving Dinner? Here’s my suggestion on a traditional dinner preparation. “After the carcass has been trussed, it’s time to insert the best part. The Dressing! Push the large spoon full of dressing past the tight membrane…” Halloween No-no’s
Turkey Day!
It’s noon on Thanksgiving Day: Turkey’s all over the western world are roasting at 325º degrees… It’s a wonderful day! 100’s of thousands of turkeys are being destroyed!!! Send a message
Church of Elvis
‘Hounddog’ Chicken, a cousin of Chainsaw Chicken, released this publicity-staged photo of himself with the latest of his 12 wives. Her name is Betsy, seen here, selected by a lottery of members that regularly attend this dark web internet-based cult. The belief contains many rituals in order to gain admission as well as advancement within […]
Ahead of the Game!
THIS is the ultimate mask to wear. Finally an effective mask allowing facial comfort and not fogging up your glasses. The world begins to follow the craze of being like Chainsaw Chicken…
Bubbles Arriving
After a serious Mexican meal and a nice warn soak, Chainsaw Chicken’s one-man Jacuzzi will soon begin to acquire the bubbles.
Chicken Shack Band
From 1977 until the present Chainsaw Chicken has revived the Chicken Shack name on a number of occasions, with a rotating membership over the next 30 years of British blues musicians including, at various times, Paul Butler (ex-Jellybread, Keef Hartley Band playing guitar), Keef Hartley, ex-Ten Years After drummer Ric Lee and Miller Anderson, Oscar […]
“There is no truth to the rumor that I am the reason for Paula Dean’s divorce” said Chainsaw Chicken. How could there be”, he added. “All she ever cooks is chicken! Yes, it is true that we have tripped the light fantastic a time or two and I have brought a new definition to the […]
Start the Partridge Family
Uncle Chainsaw Chicken was a popular Network TV casting agent in Hollywood. He stated mistakenly to Marianne Faithfull thinking was Shirley Jones “Mrs. Jones, I have a part for you in a show that will change the viewing habits of the entire country. Step into my office. Let me help you. You seem to have […]
Great Nesting Material
As the nest influences begin to churn in Chainsaw Chicken, he has been seen dating starlets and celebrities, married or single, all waiting their turn for a feathered event. Intersectionality Test
All Foiled up
It took three full rolls of foil but no NSA or CIA or FBI or KGB or MI6 or ANYONE can get into my head with radio wave. Although I do get an AM radio station from a filling in my back tooth. Who’s in the Go-Go boots?
There be a hangin’…
Grand-Uncle C. Cluck Chicken was eventually captured in Montana Territory and hung for the gunfight with Wooly Pud McCorkle. Incidentally, the man on the left is Tom Horn whom was later falsify charged with shooting a young boy during the range wars and was later hung. We LOVE Him