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Chainsaw Chicken Socks

Chainsaw Chicken Socks

Available Now! Official Chainsaw Chicken knee-high socks. Yes… You too can own these incredibly comfortable and popular image footwear. Where do you get them? These great socks are available at  Walmart, Rite-Aid, Walgreen, CVS and Kroger affiliated stores. Ask for them by name. Chainsaw Chicken Comfort Socks. Purchase right now and get a second pair […]

Chick-Kids Gathering

Chick-Kids Gathering

So much can be seen in this family reunion photo with all the Chicken kids gathered for a remembrance pic. All the relatives and their offspring. Left to right is Calhoun Chicken on the pony; his sister Dane; the Cacciatore twins – Sophia and Gina; Crocky (hiding behind the kids); Cheech (in the striped shirt); […]

Cowabunga Dude!

Cowabunga Dude!

“Oh righteous, my brothers!” could be heard by La Jolla Chicken as he finished his set in the 1951 Long Board surfing competition off the sands of Manhattan Beach, California. “Did  you feel that curl? Totally Tubular” he continued, “Cowabunga”. But where did the term cowabunga come from? Now you know. Some give credit for […]

Feng at it again

Feng at it again

She has a new look but it’s the same suckers falling for her ‘honey trap’ were she is hoping to gain influence and access to sensitive information. She definitely seems to have a predilection for chicken. Here is a photo of Feng Feng Swawell‘s latest victim. Sheki McCluck. He happens to be married to my […]

Family Guy Gets Plucked

Family Guy Gets Plucked

“Peter, I’m gonna settle this ongoing conflict for good” said Chainsaw Chicken. Chainsaw continued, “Your show’s gonna need a new title. No longer called ‘The Family Guy’ it’s gonna be ‘The Widow with kids’. When you get through assaulting that chicken, you need to turn around and experience the wrath THIS chicken will inflict on […]

Solway Firth Solved

Solway Firth Solved

This famous photograph referred to as ‘Solway Firth Spaceman‘ is classified as one of the strangest, unsolved mysteries ever photographed. In 1964, in Solway Firth, England, a father took a nice photo of his daughter enjoying a picnic in a field. Just the two of them. They were alone. But when the film was developed, […]

Chainsaw Chicken Area

Chainsaw Chicken Area

No, it’s not an autonomous zone like CHAZ or George Floyd Square. It’s a popularized expression of a community awareness. Groups who mutually gather with a common joy of a single thought or concept. But they don’t block others from entering or exposing those less aware to the idea. All skin colors, ethnicity, races, creeds, […]

Our Glorious Leader

Our Glorious Leader

Excitement is at a fevered pitch around the ‘Holy Communal Center’ as the 50 chosen wives ready themselves for the largest marriage ever seen in the mountains of Nevada at the ‘Church of the Anointed Chicken’ . Each of these brides have had private interviews with Our Glorious Leader in the past weeks. They have […]

Cuomosexuals on Parade

Cuomosexuals on Parade

Recognizing an opportunity when he sees one, Leroy ‘Big Daddy’ Chicken has gathered a group of committed, self-proclaimed Cuomosexuals to be exhibited at the I LOVE NEW YORK CONVENTION (the State, not the city), “Look… ahhh… Here’s the deal… I mean… ahhh… c’mon man… Give me a break. My girls are happy to be whatever […]

Co-ed Cooing

Co-ed Cooing

As can be seen in this historic 1960’s photo taken on a University campus, it shows the disturbing and unhealthy practice of what some label as ‘heavy petting’. All caused by the evils of rock and roll. As the transistor radio held by Brian ‘Beach Boy’ Chicken lures an unaware female with his demon music, […]

Chicken Regression

Chicken Regression

I have been told many times that I need therapy so I decided to go through it using  regression therapy especially after my neighbor told me about what happened when he did it. Seems the ‘Doctor’ found out that Bob was once  Maximinus Thrax, also known as Maximinus the First, the emperor of Rome from […]

Too Much Lock Down

Too Much Lock Down

Those Chicken boys, Ricky and Dicky, have been in a Covid lock down way too long. Or Maybe their mother is the one that has been locked down too long? You decide. Month after month of  ‘Stay indoors’, ‘Don’t go outside’, ‘kid’s can’t go to school’. The boys are goin’ crazy. If you take the […]

Early Color Chicken

Early Color Chicken

For you spring chickens out there, the idea of having nothing but black and white TV and having 3 channels to choose from, seems to be an ultimate torture, but years ago, at the time, we thought it was pretty great to have any entertainment. Personally, I was blessed with an extra channel so we […]

The Swami Knows

The Swami Knows

Come… Be seated… Calm your mind… Stare into the sphere of future events with me… Do you see it? Hold still… Concentrate… Think of what stirs your sub-conscience. Yes… YES! You feel it too, don’t you? Yes! The answer is streaming into your consciousness. There… Now you have it! The answer to what you seek […]

Golden Turkey Award?

Golden Turkey Award?

No Thank You! I heard that I was up for this Golden Turkey Award. I have notified the nomination committee and the voting members of the group, in the tradition of Marlon Brando and George C. Scott with their Oscars, and in the words of our 37th President, Lyndon Baines Johnson… “If nominated, I will […]

Pioneer Leghorn

Pioneer Leghorn

Ah yes, some say he’s the original American Chicken favorite. Foghorn Leghorn. A pioneer for poultry humor. Before Foghorn, the only chicken-based humor was when a vaudevillian mesmerizer would control someone from the audience and give them a hypnotic suggestion causing them to cluck and flap their wings like a chicken every time they hear […]

Deleted Meghan Segment

Deleted Meghan Segment

Everyone is talking about the interview blasted all over the world where Oprah interviewed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. In the West they are known as Harry and Meghan, ex-members of the British Royal Family who chose to sever their Royal connections and obligations to make an independent name for themselves by doing philanthropic […]

Cluck Commandos

Cluck Commandos

After recent press news leaks, the elite Chicken assault team coined ‘The Cluck Commandos” has allowed the press to use their photos. The ‘Cluck Commandos’ have been very effective against terrorists in areas around the world fighting against insurgents, rebels and disgruntled political opposition. Who are the Cluck Commandos? They are a team of distant […]

Becoming more woke

Becoming more woke

What’s that old expression? If you can’t lick ’em, then join ’em. I tried, I really tried. Honest Injun, I tried. I wanted to be culturally sensitive and woke. I bought the knit cap, got tat’s up and down both arms and legs. I have ear buds connecting to my new I-Phone that cost more […]