He’s crossing State lines! Yes! Chainsaw is crossing State lines! Quick! Call the alphabet media! You have trouble watching any news broadcast that doesn’t seem to include that line. Especially when it’s about something linked to an opposing political point of view. But as Chainsaw points out, what if we applied this standard to other […]
New lobby sign
Following the lead of oh so many corporations and major businesses, Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd has taken to updating and posting a new ‘credo’ that is a statement as to the beliefs held by the corporation. We place a very large framed poster welcoming all those that venture into the lobby of our web site. […]
New Twitter Blue
Chainsaw received an unrequested email the other day about Twitter Blue. Twitter’s latest attempt to upgrade its self. Here it is.. “Are you ready to take Twitter to the next level? Meet Twitter Blue. The Twitter experience you’ve been dreaming of has finally landed. Welcome to Twitter Blue: a premium feature subscription that gives you […]
“Hi” – The Microsoft Way
Recently, Microsoft used the opening of their annual online presentation of ‘ignite” to exemplify their awareness of their own cultural robbery of the land their campus is located on, then they tried to address the social awareness by setting the standards and giving a descriptions to all whom may be watching. Chainsaw wanted to do […]
Woke Detox Center
Many have talked about some kind of treatment for woke-ism. There have been jokes and comments of it being needed. Even James Carville stated after the Virginia governor’s race that the democrats needed a ‘woke detox center‘ in order to get things back on track to try to win at the upcoming midterms. Never being […]
It’s another dog whistle
It’s another dog whistle… I keep hearing that. Dog whistles seem to be everywhere. So I went to the pet store and bought the biggest dog whistle I could find. I was after the real big dogs. Once I got it out of the packaging. I tried to read the instructions. My problem is I […]
Send a message
Send a message with this cell phone case. Visit our store and see a selection of shirts, cups, tumbler and now, cell phone protective covers for many popular phones on the market. Listen to me, Kid!
An Open Apology
Hello everyone. I’m Chainsaw Chicken. Thank you all for tuning in and connecting to this message. It is my hope that the tens of thousands of you that see this message will understand and appreciate this open apology I wish to make. Everyone here at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd, all the IT people, the advertising […]
#PoopyPantsBiden That’s the terrible hash tag reaching the highest positions on the social media sites. It is even beating out #LetsGoBrandon or #EmptyShelvesBiden! But where did this vicious rumor come from? It looks like they came from websites with headlines such as “#PoopyPantsBiden trends after President’s ‘bathroom accident’ amid meeting with Pope” as well as […]
The Thinker Discussion
Chainsaw Chicken was visiting the city gardens with his niece, Rose Blossom Chicken. They came across a replica of ‘The Thinker’ statue prominently centered in the acreage. Both of them stood and gazed at the statue, taking in the details sculpted in the figure. The discussion soon turned to the creative origin of this Rodin […]
Halloween No-no’s
Halloween No-no’s… According to the Anti-Defamation League “Before Halloween, be proactive by addressing these issues in advance and use it as an educational opportunity to discuss stereotypes, bias and cultural appropriation. Many children and families don’t realize that their costume choices are potentially hurtful or offensive. For example, a child who may be interested in […]
Swedish Woke Festival
Leave it to the Swede’s. Now that they have emerged trying to be the most ‘woke’ country in the world, they have started celebrating their new selection of gender-neutral pronouns. It works like this; Swedish people have had two gender pronouns for a long time: hon (she) and han (he). Now the question was, how […]
Justice and Equity
Justice and Equity. Yes… two of the hot buzz words floating around in school, the media, even in some churches. Finally, I can see how ‘Justice’ and ‘Equity‘ can be applied to my life. Want to know how? Justice, in my case, is the world running out of chicken parts for restaurants and fast food. […]
The Tribe Has Spoken
Were you watching? It was the first episode of Survivor recently. It was like the 87th season or something. At least this time they didn’t drag out the same old tired winners from the past to recycle them through the grinder for another season of drama, strategy, lying, backstabbing and out-n-out greed. Seems like the […]
Let’s go Brandon
Last week, my cousin Brandon Chicken was at the Boston College vs Clemson game. Just like what is happening all over the country at football, baseball, soccer (nee football), NASCAR races, school board meetings..(well, maybe not school board meeting.. yet). The crowd, usually in outdoor settings spontaneously begin to chant “Let’s go Brandon”. But is […]
Available for Kindle
A flash from the past. Yes, my first book offered back in 2016 is available on Kindle. Take a look on Amazon and you will see this 109 page download of thoughts and stories with photos, just like you see on the web site.
New Emoji
Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd had their emoji submitted and then rejected. This was the third time. Now it took a legal suit to get Apple, Inc to finally agree to accept this submission. What changed their minds? It was simple. Chainsaw obtained a copy of the submission request put forth by the socialist agency that […]
Here’s Mud in Your Eye!
I broke Facebook
Yup, it was me. I broke Facebook. Don’t believe what the press releases are saying or the speculations of all the talking heads on TV. It was me. I got so tired of so many of my posts not actually being visible to the thousands of followers that I have, I did it. What did […]
Hair sniffing isn’t so bad
For the last several years we’ve all been hearing about certain executives that we see on the news each night being accused of hair sniffing young women. I must admit, at first it did not sound appealing to me at all. Running around sniffing the hair of pre-teen and teens with some form of delight. […]