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Chainsaw Spotted

Chainsaw Spotted

Chainsaw Chicken was spotted outside the home of Taylor Swift apparently wearing a scarf from Miss Swift’s collection. Reportedly there for a private screening for friends of her new upcoming movie “THE ERAS TOUR“. It was also reported that Travis Kelce and Chainsaw got into a heated dispute about Kelce blocking the bean dip. Most […]

Puttin’ on the Dog

Puttin’ on the Dog

Taking a stroll outside Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd. headquarters, Chainsaw is ready for the paparazzi chasing and persecuting him because his image is worth so much to the 4th estate. Let’s hope that it doesn’t end in a two hour chase through one of the most populated cities during rush hour where multiple accidents and […]

ChatGPT Admires Chainsaw

ChatGPT Admires Chainsaw

I asked ChatGPT to write something about me, Chainsaw Chicken. Look what I got! A Love poem. Oh Chainsaw Chicken, how I adore, Your site filled with humor and gore, A place where the absurd and the bizarre, Come together to leave us all in awe. Your twisted tales of chickens and blades, A world […]

Egg-Laying Chicken for Rent

Egg-Laying Chicken for Rent

“Yo homie! You be lookin’ for some eggs? My posse got chew covered! “My’man… Take a gander at my stable and pick what Lay-dee you can use. You gets to keep all the little hard-shelled juniors she puts in your crib! “Step off if you can’t pay for the gain but stay to play if […]

Lost Star Trek Episode

Lost Star Trek Episode

If you check the official studio listings you won’t find it. If you asked Bill Shatner he will tell you that “You are crazy. Didn’t happen, You are nutz!” You could own every TV Guide from 1966 to 1969 and you won’t see it in the listings. But when I was visiting my uncle Jerome […]

New Favorite Martian

New Favorite Martian

With all the re-launches, re-boots and re-inventing of television shows, Chainsaw thought he finally had an idea that could make the T.V. studios sit up and take notice. He finally got a meeting with the head of programming at CBS. Now was his chance. As he entered his office he said “Okay, here’s my pitch. […]

Chainsaw may Judge VOICE

Chainsaw may Judge VOICE

In a stunning announcement, the National Broadcasting Company has listed Chainsaw Chicken as one of the finalist to replace Blake Sheldon as a judge. Sheldon has been the only judge to be on every show since its beginnings in 2011. With Sheldon representing the Country Music side of the industry, Chainsaw represents the less appreciated […]

Mr. DJ, would you play…?

Mr. DJ, would you play…?

“Hello??? Mr. DJ??? This is Betty Shields. I’m the President of the Malibu League of the Chainsaw Chicken Fan Club”. “Well hello little girl”, the DJ replied. “I wasn’t aware of any club like that. Who’s it for? Some Chicken?” “Oh yes sir!” She exclaimed; “He is very special. At least to us. He is […]

People Magazine

People Magazine

People Magazine has added to it’s offerings of ‘special issues’ by printing an issue titled “Sexy Critter in the Yard”. Many in the media see this as an attempt to recapture the readership base which has fallen for the last several years. Morti Goldstein of the Ad agency in his own name stated, “Many failing […]

Ex-Storm Trooper

Ex-Storm Trooper

Boy did I step in it! In the last few months Disney had waived some of their hiring standards and I got a gig being a Storm Trooper at the Star Wars ride. We had to learn to march and practice different formations. I was actually doing a pretty good job with it. I really […]

Wakanoda with Feathers

Wakanoda with Feathers

When Chadwick Boseman, portraying the original Black Panther, died in  2020, Marvel knew they had to do something to carry on the very profitable franchise. What to do? We at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd went to Hollywood and made a ‘pitch’ to the creative staff at Marvel. Rather than trying to find another person to […]

Sotheby’s Auction Item

Sotheby’s Auction Item

In Sotheby’s Auctions latest Catalog,  page 12,  you will find a mint quality 8-track tape, apparently treasured by Ottis Dewey Whitman, Jr. And who was this Ottis guy? You probably know him as Slim Whitman. Yes, Slim Whitman. A favorite artist to tens of millions of listeners from senior centers and rest home facilities throughout […]

‘Chicken Magazine’ Cover

‘Chicken Magazine’ Cover

Now, Chainsaw Chicken has joined the ranks of Christie Brinkley, Chrissy Teigen, Farrah Fawcett and Alfred E. Newman as successful magazine cover models. Check the news stands for this months issue of ‘Chickens Magazine’. There you will find Chainsaw enjoying a plate full of morning fresh eggs. From this exposure big things have been happening. […]

Priceless Chicken Troll Doll

Priceless Chicken Troll Doll

You might own one of these priceless Chainsaw Chicken Troll Dolls and not be aware. Check that junk drawer. Go threw that pile of stored stuff in your mothers attic. Search the shelves of Goodwill and tables at swap meets. Dedicate your Saturdays to going to all the garage sales where you live. But why […]

Chicken-Human Clone

Chicken-Human Clone

A stunning clandestine video was secreted out today of a chicken-human clone strutting around a laboratory grounds. The clones handlers can be seen guiding and protecting this one of a kind experiment. Questions started being asked. “Was this another project from a Wuhan lab?” “Is this an offspring from some alien coupling with a ‘birthing […]

The Call…

The Call…

I got….The Call… There I was, simply making a box of macaroni and cheese for lunch. Unexpectedly, the phone rang. I put down my wooden spoon and turned down the heat to bring my noodles to simmer for the perfect al dente . I reached over the counter and picked up the receiver. “Hello?…” I […]

Patient Zero Monkeypox

Patient Zero Monkeypox

The World Health Organization believes they have identified the primary vector showing patient zero with monkeypox in the latest outbreak. Sergey ‘Serg’ Chicken is seen here with his long time companion monkey named ‘Cheesecake’ standing in front of the original headquarters of Google. At that time, Google was a struggling vegetable and fruit store with […]

Freud’s Aura Sculpted

Freud’s Aura Sculpted

Art and science grew greatly after the turn of 1900’s. Both of these worlds would seem to develop new styles or themes that others might harness and develop. Rarely did the two collide. One of the few examples was when Oscar Chicken was able to convince Sigmund Freud to have his Aura sculpted subtractively. In […]

Classic Chicken Theater

Classic Chicken Theater

Welcome to Classic Chicken Theater Playhouse. This organization was founded by honored and awarded namesake, Chainsaw Chicken, to help others learn and shape their craft of classical acting. Chainsaw’s primary belief is that the actors need to take generally known plays and add challenges to the overall theme. All plays are done with the players […]

Bringing Back Walt

Bringing Back Walt

In a somewhat predictable move today, the largest minority share holders of Disney stock (DIS) have hired Dr. DeBakie Chicken to manage a controversial move. What move? It seems that this minority block has persuaded a Disney employee to remove the frozen head of Walt Disney from the cryogenic vault below Disneyland where the founders […]