In the bustling city of Megapolis, two vastly different companies were about to embark on an unexpected journey that would forever change the landscape of their industries. On one side was Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd., a renowned global sarcasm website known for its finger-in-the-eye humor, and on the other was Toylandia, a whimsical toy company […]
Chainsaw Runs For President
Chainsaw announced today that he is throwing his hat into the ring as a candidate for nomination of the Uniparty ticket for President. The Uniparty is a blend of Republican and Democrat parties where the planks of the party platform are meaningless and the members simply run to benefit themselves rather than the constituents that […]
More Proof I’m Banned
More Proof I’m Banned, Simply do a Google search of images for ‘Chainsaw Chicken’ and see what you get. All kinds of crap and name borrowing competitors and NOTHING of the 600 plus images on Chainsaw Chicken. But if you do the same search on Bing, look at the result below. It demonstrates my point […]
Too Much Christmas Cheer?
We had a Christmas party this year at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd. Everyone had a great time. We had a White Elephant gift exchange. Every time someone exchanged a gift, we all had to take a drink. Soon, the room reeked of Egg Nog and Spiced Rum mixed with some Mountain Dew. I have to […]