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Cannibals Ate My Uncle, too

Cannibals Ate My Uncle, too

The world was horrified when President Biden announced that his uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals! The question swirls around… “Was he a soccer player crashed in the Andres?”. “Did he meet with Hannibal Lector?”. Was he part of crew with journalist Henry Stanley locating the missing missionary David Livingstone in deepest, darkest Africa back […]

Your Secret Email Needs

Your Secret Email Needs

Are you in the need for a secret email account? Something that is just for you, keeping those pesky wives, girlfriends and government agencies out of your hair? We invite you to check out the email services offered by Robert L. Peters, Robin Ware and JRB Ware. These are the alias names our fearless leader […]

Google Gemini Fowled Up

Google Gemini Fowled Up

Google said it plans to relaunch its artificial intelligence image generation software within the next few weeks after taking it offline in response to an uproar over what critics called “absurdly woke” depictions of historical scenes. Though the Gemini chatbot remains up and running, Google paused its image AI feature last week after it generated […]

Chainsaw Returns to Davos

Chainsaw Returns to Davos

Chainsaw Returns to Davos to market his offerings of Carbon indulgences. When asked how he eplains these indulgences, Chainsaw replied ” When I pay for my fuel for my plane, the act of paying for the aviation diesel is my purchasing offsets, so I can use my plane as I like. I have offset the […]

Chainsaw Acts in “Blackwing”

Chainsaw Acts in “Blackwing”

As Broadway struggles to return to it’s height since COVID, the latest hit is “Blackwing”. It’s the story of an outsider seeking acceptance in an obviously different community. Who would be a better player for this roll than Chainsaw Chicken. He constantly battles with oppression, injustice and preconceive ideas.

Dark Clouds Looming

Dark Clouds Looming

The dark clouds are looming as to the chances of Chainsaw being able to participate in the Presidential debates. The rules of the debate state that the candidate must have ranking in the polls AND raise Three Million dollars in contributions.  The popularity is not a problem but the money seems excessive. To deal with […]

Booked with Atlanta 20

Booked with Atlanta 20

Everyone has seen the booking photo of Donald Trump. Many have seen Rudolph Giuliani’s picture has well. But that’s just two of the twenty that were also charged. Seem Chainsaw was one of the last that were caught up in the sweep. But what was Chainsaw accursed of perpetrating? Not any of the election interference. […]

Secret Service closes probe

Secret Service closes probe

The Secret Service is giving up on the mysterious White House cocaine (TNS) – The U.S. Secret Service has closed its probe into cocaine discovered at the White House without identifying a suspect. The agency said Thursday that it had conducted a “methodical review,” including identifying several hundred people who may have accessed the area […]

KFC Payback with Wasabi

KFC Payback with Wasabi

I guess this American KFC Tweet relayed through a Japanese Tweet is some sort of a compliment idolizing myself. A clumsy attempt to piggy-back on my popularity. But… Remember that age old maxim… “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” ― Oscar Wilde Remember Oscar Wilde? He was found […]

Tribute Prequel

Tribute Prequel has a cartoon, apparently an attempt to be a prequel of the creation of Chainsaw Chicken. How did they know of Chainsaw Chicken when this cartoon was created? Possible a Ouija board, a drunken stupor or some psychic vision. Regardless, their illustration simultaneously predicted a dawning of this social influencer. Little did they know […]

Merger Signed

Merger Signed

In the bustling city of Megapolis, two vastly different companies were about to embark on an unexpected journey that would forever change the landscape of their industries. On one side was Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd., a renowned global sarcasm website known for its finger-in-the-eye humor, and on the other was Toylandia, a whimsical toy company […]

Chainsaw Runs For President

Chainsaw Runs For President

Chainsaw announced today that he is throwing his hat into the ring as a candidate for nomination of the Uniparty ticket for President. The Uniparty is a blend of Republican and Democrat parties where the planks of the party platform are meaningless and the members simply run to benefit themselves rather than the constituents that […]

More Proof I’m Banned

More Proof I’m Banned

More Proof I’m Banned, Simply do a Google search of images for ‘Chainsaw Chicken’ and see what you get. All kinds of crap and name borrowing competitors and NOTHING of the 600 plus images on Chainsaw Chicken. But if you do the same search on Bing, look at the result below. It demonstrates my point […]

Too Much Christmas Cheer?

Too Much Christmas Cheer?

We had a Christmas party this year at Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd. Everyone had a great time. We had a White Elephant gift exchange. Every time someone exchanged a gift, we all had to take a drink. Soon, the room reeked of Egg Nog and Spiced Rum mixed with some Mountain Dew. I have to […]