“Let me introduce myself. My name is Theodor T. Turkey. You can call me Tom,… Tom Turkey. I am the required Ombudsman appointed by the Internet Counsel of Blogging Standards. Yes… We call it I.C.B.S. while some refer to us as I see Bull S*it.”
“The typical duties of an ombudsman are to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve them, usually through recommendations or mediation. Ombudsmen sometimes also aim to identify systemic issues leading to poor service or breaches of people’s rights.” Tom continued.
“It has been brought to our attention that multiple complaints have been filed with our commission against this company and their web site, one ChainsawChicken.com” he added.
“I will concede that there are some from fellow turkey’s but I have agreed to be neutral and open minded regardless of my disdain for this site and it’s creator”. Tom declared and went on to say.
“To begin with the pejorative manner that Chainsaw refers to us fellow turkey’s. Especially around Thanksgiving. In fact, our report will need to be delivered at a later day because of its’ extensive nature. It is virtually impossible to find a posting within this site that is either not ill-informed, specious or outright wrong, not to mention unfounded. We are here to highlight and point out these failings. This will be an extensive project. We anticipate submitting our findings by the beginning of next quarter. We have made a suggestion that all postings be halted until our finding can be announced, however, it is clear that Mr. Chainsaw Chicken is unwilling to work with us. Our suggestion and his response has been forwarded to the commissioner of I.C.B.S.”
You’ve been great to me. Thank you!
Keep functioning ,splendid job!
I heard of you guys.
I had one of those once, the doctor gave me a cream and it eventually went away.
Does that mean it’s someone that drives an Oldsmobile?
I would like to know more about Chainsaw’s mental treatments, currently or in the past, if you don’t mind.
Where;d that word come from?
Hello. excellent job. I did not expect this. This is a excellent story. Thanks!