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Tom Buys Chickens

Tom Buys Chickens

Tom Cruise has shelled out “huge sums” for two high-tech robots to enforce coronavirus safety protocols on the set of “Mission: Impossible 7” – and also administer spot tests to the crew, according to a report. These robots were purchased from ArmorGallus, LLC (a sub-division of Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd.). These are non-lethal versions of […]

Ohio State Mixer

Ohio State Mixer

Try as he does, Buford Chicken, a freshman, attempts to win the attentions of some typical  women attending the campus mixer at Iowa State annex of the local Community College. Maybe he should not have offered her yet another vodka and hot double chocolate drink with mint marshmallows?     Hangin’ with Elton     […]

Dems Want More

Dems Want More

Democrats feel that even the 30,000 armed National Guard troops surrounding Washington D.C. for the Biden inaugural ceremonies on January 20th are not enough. A call has been sent to Maj. Truman ‘Scuffy’ Chicken, brother to Chainsaw Chicken,  to fly his Fairchild A-10 Warthog overhead the Capital to ensure a ‘peaceful transition’ when the reins […]

New Mars Face Seen

New Mars Face Seen

With the new offerings of image enhancements from the Chinese Government (by way of an American software developer, farming out work to cheaper Indian computer techs using Chinese monitored Zoom calls review the project). The images and mapping was re-fed through the computers with the more sensitive enhanced software.  ‘Looky-looky what we found on the […]

BidenCare Czar

BidenCare Czar

Today, Joe announced to the world that in an effort to be able to provide health care to all occupants within the borders of these United States, legally or with ‘voluntary entry’, the duty’s will be going to tribal medicine man Chicka Boom Swalilly from the nation of Chickestan. Swalilly, after leaving his leadership position […]

The Lonely Chick

The Lonely Chick

Trapped with nowhere to turn in the barn, life is changing beyond my control, causing this deep ache in the bottom of my feathered soul. Someone else is moving my things, oh to fly, oh for my Chicken’s wings. Escape, I want to dig myself out of the barn, filled with despair, filled with doubt […]

New Sponsorship

New Sponsorship

It is with pride that Chainsaw Chicken announces that he has been selected to be the on screen and on web video spokesman- – – ah spokesperson? No it would be , ah… spokes guy, Naw… Wrong pronoun. How about just representative? Ok… Again It is with pride… wait… can I say pride? That conjures […]

Kung Poo

Kung Poo

Kung Poo Chicken, the Legend Continues. Few have not heard of the easy spirited, soft-spoken, peace-loving Shaolin monk named Kwai Chang Caine, traveling through the Old West. The show made famous in the 70’s was based on the journaled writings of the real Kung Poo Chicken. Translated from traditional Chinese to Hebrew by a wandering […]

My X-Ray Specs Arrived

My X-Ray Specs Arrived

Not sure what the reason was that my order took so long, but guess what showed up today in my mail? That’s right! My X-ray specs. I mailed off for these back in 1962 from the back of my latest issue of True Love Magazine. Seen here is Mrs. Chicken posing in her flimsy burnoose […]

Media Plug Up

Media Plug Up

Regardless of your position on President vs Congress, Republican vs Democrat, Dogs vs Cats, Left vs Right, Up vs Down, red jelly beans vs black jelly beans, Star Wars vs Star Trek, or like Joe says ‘truth vs facts‘ and so on… You CAN’T make some people obey some other persons views. But they wanna […]

Keep Your Balance

Keep Your Balance

In an effort to not be outdone by the public display of Harry Houdini hanging from a few floors up and slithering from his straight jacket, the Three Chicatello Brothers (they were not actually brothers but rather three frustrated iron workers stripping down to their shorts) and playing around on their lunch break. They performed […]

Yosemite Duffy

Yosemite Duffy

Warner Brothers cartoon character called ‘Yosemite Sam’ was based on my dear old mother’s brother, Dufmeyer Chicken. “People call me Yosemite Duffy and I’ve never even been near the place. Never been west of Missouri” he stated to anyone that might listen. In 1969 he sued Warner Brothers because of the use of his likeness […]

The Batman Movie

The Batman Movie

With the disrupted filming schedule affecting many movies caught amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Chainsaw reminded the Hollywood Studios that they already have ‘in the can’ the complete 1940 Batman movie made after the debut of May, 1939 Detective Comics featuring “the Batman”. This 5 reel movie was shot in the gritty backwash’s of San Pietro […]

Subtle Techniques of Persuasion

Subtle Techniques of Persuasion

Young Fauntleroy Chicken has been attending instructional classes taught by the woke establishment on how to deal with those that present very controversial and disruptive messages posted in social media spaces, television shows and in this case, expressing a different point of view in the class room. These classes deal with subtle techniques of persuasion […]

Joe wants to be a 1%er

Joe wants to be a 1%er

‘Mama” Chicken had a chance encounter with then democrat candidate Joe Peking Biden. How she ended up on his lap was not captured in the series of images. But this disrespectful action is strictly prohibited within club rules unless all involved are club members. You know we are 1%ers , one percent of bikers are […]

Mighty Team of Huskys

Mighty Team of Huskys

Preparing for the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, an annual dog sled race run in March between Anchorage and Nome, Alaska, Chainsaw trains his three dog team. The race can attract more than 100 participants and their teams of dogs, and mushers to compete together. The current race is about 1100 mile long. The sled is […]

The Lone Chicken

The Lone Chicken

When the television series ‘The Lone Ranger’ went from black and white to color starting in 1957, things were going great for Clayton Moore. He was a great replacement for John Hart, who left the series because of some private reasons. Jay Silverheels seemed to be the quintessential Tonto his sidekick. However, in the third […]

Camp out Postponed

Camp out Postponed

“Guys! We have to change the camp out scheduled for next week weekend” wrote scout master Kenny ‘Chickenhawk’ Chicken posted on his MySpace account. “I have been told to hold off on any group or individual activity with any of you young fledgling scouts”. When Jr. Chicken texted back as to “How come? I was […]