Bird Mask Convention

“Bird Mask Convention!… ATTENTION!… Can  have your ATTENTION?.. Everyone.. PLEASE!..

Thank you… Please be seated or grab a perch or whatever it takes to be comfortable.

I want to welcome you to the first annual gathering of the bird mask wearers of America…

Ahhhh… Can I get you guys at the food table to not be perching on the ice statues??? … PLEASE???

Can we get housekeeping to come in and clean up those statues?

Anyway.. I must admit that I am simply amazed that, it seems everyone thinks that bird mask wearers mean Pigeon mask wearers. We all know that in the hierarchy of the aviary world, pigeons are quite low, whereas other birds, I.E. Chickens, are at the zenith of feathered species.

Housekeeping… glad you showed. Can we get another layer of newspapers under the table here by the door where they are sitting on the back of chairs? Thank you.

To continue, while we may question your choices on what you represent, we still welcome you, welcome everyone!

SECURITY… SECURITY.. We have someone trying to lay an egg over there, under the effigy of Col. Sanders. I hope it’s an egg!”