Chainsaw Chicken has accepted the task no one seems willing to do anything about.

He has decided to take on those damn SPAM CALLERS with orders to ‘search and destroy’.

Using the method practiced in the Vietnam war when we were actually trying to win, he is planning on daily interdiction raids as well as setting up ambush site without regard to collateral damage.

You know the kind of calls I’m hunting for. The one’s telling you that you’ve won a trip to Disneyland or a cruise or that your Social Security has been stopped.. I love the one that says there is an open investigation about you with the IRS.

“These phone terrorist are loved by no one. Not even their mothers” said Chainsaw.

“No one will care what you do to them, we will just look the other way” stated the Sheriff of one of the largest county’s in a major American State. “Please… Be quick about it”!